Sunday, December 18, 2011

Kickstart your Resolutions

What is the best way to follow thru with your Resolutions for 2012? I have 7 tips that you can use to get your engine started and keep it humming for more than just 6 weeks. Don't abandon your resolutions! The average resolution gets left behind before Valentine's Day.

1. self-hypnosis
2. affirmations
3. mirror work
4. Visualize the end result.
5. Work backwards from the end result.
6. Read inspirational messages every day.
7. Rewards. People tend to keep working when they know there is a reward. The reward has to be more than just the acheivement. It feels good to triumph over laziness, but it feels even better to put on a neclace or bracelet that will always remind you of your triumph. And it doesn't have to be expensive or an article of jewelry. It just needs to be something that will last for a while and continue to motivate to move forward.

Palm Harbor Prosperity Master Mind

The first meeting of the Palm Harbor Prosperity Master Mind Group for Entrepreneurs was yesterday. If you need to boost your motivation and brainstorm some ideas with a mind greater than just your own, please join us. We will meet once per month in the Palm Harbor office of Wisdom Hypnosis. We will follow the Master Mind idea originated by Napolean Hill in his book, Think and Grow Rich, then finish up with a group hypnosis session led by me, Gloria Constantas. This combination of Master Mind principles combined with hypnosis should be unbeatable!

The Master Mind principles helped early industrial giants to build their businesses, so why not the daring entrepreneurs of today?!

Call 727-946-1531 for more information.

The next meeting will be on Wednesday, January 18.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Very Powerful Message

Talk about Verbal Impact, this guy is such a powerful communicator.

I just love Simon Sinek (from TED). His elocution is very impressive.

Don't listen if you don't want something to think about:

I wonder if Sinek is his real last name, or if it is a variation on "cynic?"

He talks about losing his purpose in Afghanistan.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

December Meeting

The next meeting will take place on Saturday December 10, 2011 at 4PM in a new location in Safety Harbor FL. Please email me at to RSVP and get directions.

This meeting is for hypnotists only. We will watch a video demonstration of NLP Anchoring using hypnosis. The video is 90 minutes long and members who watch will earn 2.0 CEUs toward your NGH recertification.

Wishing all of you a Happy Giving-Thanks Day!

Saturday, November 19, 2011


We encountered 2 volunteers at Panera Bread today!

The first one avoided cigarettes for at least 30 minutes today, even though he didn't realize he was hypnotized!

The second one lost her craving for cigarettes and was amazed at how relaxed she felt in just 12 brief minutes of hypnosis, expertly demonstrated by Mark Beck.

It was a great meeting for my students, who will graduate as professional hypnotists in just 2 more weeks!

Next meeting is tentatively scheduled for Dec. 10 in Safety Harbor.

Friday, November 11, 2011

November TBNGH Meeting

The next meeting of the TBNGH will take place on Saturday, 11-19-11 at 3 PM.

We will discuss and demonstrate hypnosis for smoking cessation. If you smoke or know any smokers, please bring them over to Panera Bread in Oldsmar next Saturday. We intend to demonstrate how a smoker can be influenced to become completely disgusted by cigarettes!

This is a free demonstration.

Hypnotists who are members of NGh will receive 1.5 CEUs to maintain certification.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Attract the Perfect Client

Have you heard of Paula Langguth Ryan?
She is coming to Palm Harbor in two weeks. She does workshops all over the West Coast. Wisdom Hypnosis has invited her here.

She's going to be at Unity Church of Palm Harbor on Thursday evening, September 29, at 6:30 PM.

The topic is "How to attract the Perfect Client."

This should be a fantastic workshop!!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Can Hypnosis help Job Seekers?

Someone asked me hypnotize all the employers to hire them.

Sounds like a good idea. Job seekers can use hypnotic suggestions during the interview which may influence the interviewer to give them a favorable review and recommend them to the hiring manager.

But I think it is more feasible and valuable to the job seeker to learn self-hypnosis in order to make them a better candidate for employment. The most important thing a job seeker can do is to reduce stress. It is stressful to look for a job. And the stress may show in many different ways when you finally get an interview. You can also increase confidence and positivity with self-hypnosis. Interviewers don't like to hire people who seem to have a negative, defeated attitude.

There are a lot of ways to use hypnosis to ace the job interview. Wisdom Hypnosis is providing classes and mini-sessions to job seekers and even non-job-seekers at Enchanted Spirits Bookstore in Dunedin. Call for more information: 386-837-5004.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hypno Expo Review

Excellent demonstrations by Gloria Constantas, Mark Beck, and Kirk Benton.

Here's a photo from the event.

Thank you to all the participants!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

HYPno EXpo, August 20

Hypno Expo
Saturday, August 20
4:00 PM -- 6:00 PM
Books A Million
Palm Harbor, FL

Hypnosis discussion and demonstrations!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

July Meeting

We had our July meeting last weekend.

The purpose was to plan a special event for August 20 called the ... Hypno Expo.

We will have another meeting soon to specify the roles each hypnotist will play. We intend to have demonstrations of hypnosis, and some explanations. There will be fun and games, and a raffle, too.

Please mark your calendar for August 20, 4-6 PM, at Books-a-Million!

Monday, June 27, 2011

June Meeting Review

TBNGH had a meeting on Saturday June 25 at 7PM in Oldsmar, actually.

We discussed our favorite hypnotic techniques. A few people spoke about the Ellman induction and some variations. We spoke about regression techniques and about phone hypnosis. I think everyone might have even learned something from our newest member, Kirk Benton, who shared a technique called Two Paths.
If you would like to receive training to become a professional hypnotist, please call Gloria 727-946-1531.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Great Book

Another great book has been published, written by Mark E. Beck, the vice president of TBNGH!

It's called
Self-hypnosis, The Complete Course
and available at smashwords:

I think hypnosis is the easiest, quickest and most powerful way there is to eliminate bad habits, learn faster, improve sports performance, relieve stress and much more. And I think this book is the easiest, quickest and most powerful way to learn how to use self-hypnosis.

Mark Beck has included everything you need, to get started right away!

I recommend this book to anyone who would like to learn how to do self-hypnosis. I am going to include this in the course materials for the students in my next Professional Hypnotist Class.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Elevate Yourself with Hypnosis

I just heard about this yesterday! Debbie Lane worked with a client who had been afraid to get on an elevator for 50 years. FIFTY YEARS! Fortunately, we don't have lots of tall buildings in this part of Florida. But she didn't want to walk 10 flights of stairs to see a specialist, so she contacted Debbie Lane. After 2 sessions and one field trip, she did it! and enjoyed it!

It's amazing what you can do with hypnosis!

Keep in mind it can't make you do anything against your morals or even against your will. You are always in control and can come out of trance any time you want.

Monday, May 23, 2011

June meeting of TBNGH

The next meeting will be on Saturday June 25 at 7PM at Books-A-Million in Palm Harbor.

We will have a Round-table discussion of your favorite hypnotic techniques. All hypnotists are invited to share their most amazing technique with the membership.

Please call Gloria 727-946-1531 to RSVP.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

May meeting of TBNGH

The next meeting will be on May 21 at 7PM at Books-A-Million in Palm Harbor.

We will have a Round-table discussion of hypnotic weight management techniques. All hypnotists are invited to share their favorite techniques with the membership.

Please call Gloria 727-946-1531 to RSVP.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Burning Bush

Do you have burning questions about hypnosis?

Bring them to our next meeting, which is Saturday evening.

Hypnosis by Telephone or Skype
Saturday, April 30, at 7pm.
At Books-A-Million US Hwy 19 (near Nebraska)
Palm Harbor, FL

There is no charge for this presentation. All are welcome to attend.
For more information, please call 727-946-1531 or see

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Taking a Test with Hypnosis

We have all taken tests in our lives. Many people are afriad to take tests. Many avoid them like the plague. The kind of test I am referring to is a written exam, especially the ones required for licenship, certification, or a master's degree, but also important tests like GMAT and GRE. Even the SAT can be daunting.

Sounds like alphabet soup! We don't even know what they stand for, but they can be intimidating!

Hypnosis can be very helpful in the test taking process. It can help you maximize your study time, motivate you to study more, and face the exam in a very confident and relaxed manner. This is especially helpful to those who suffer from test anxiety.

Test anxiety refers to the dread of taking an exam, usually preceded by a bad experience. I have worked with several clients who have "gone blank" as soon as they sit for an exam. They spend the duration of the time stressing and worrying and barely get through it before the time is up. Some get so upset they can't even stay for the whole exam. They just give up. Needless to say this kind of consternation does not result in a high grade.

Hypnosis can restore your confidence. It also helps you to relax. This helps during the test, because stress, anxiety, and tension interfere with memory retrieval. Hypnosis helps the information keep flowing just when you need it. So now is a good time to see your local hypnotist or take a self-hypnosis class.

Friday, April 8, 2011

April 30 Presentation

Palm Harbor, April 30, 2011

Can hypnosis be done by phone?
Yes! Now you can do it at home without driving to the hypnotist's office! This makes it even more convenient and effective to use hypnosis to make changes in your life. Information and a demonstration will take place at a presentation called, “Hypnosis by Telephone and Skype” at Books-A-Million on Tuesday, April 30 at 7:00pm. Gloria Constantas, Mark Beck and other nationally certified hypnotists of the Tampa Bay National Guild of Hypnotists(TBNGH), will answer your questions and demonstrate telephone hypnosis. All curious individuals are invited and welcome to attend.

Gloria will discuss the many ways you can improve your life using the power of your mind. “Hypnosis is an excellent way to make necessary changes in your behavior," she says. She further explains that hypnosis makes it easier to make changes quickly and see a dramatic change in your health and well-being. She also says that she will share several success stories with all who attend. Gloria is scheduled to present “Memory Techniques for Baby Boomers” at the annual National Guild of Hypnotist Convention in Massachusetts in August. She says she has a passion for helping others using hypnosis. Gloria received her certification in 1996 and has been assisting her clients to overcome fears and bad habits and reduce stress for 15 years. She is the current president of the Tampa Bay National Guild of Hypnotists, which is planning to present an informational presentation about the new trend of doing hypnosis by telephone and Skype. They plan to demonstrate this new technique at Books A Million in Palm Harbor on April 30 at 7pm.

Hypnosis by Telephone or Skype
Saturday, April 30, at 7pm.
At Books-A-Million US Hwy 19 (near Nebraska)
Palm Harbor, FL

There is no charge for this presentation. All are welcome to attend.
For more information, please call 727-946-1531 or see

Monday, April 4, 2011

Study with Hypnosis

Many studies have shown that hypnosis improves concentration and memory retrieval. In addition, it reduces stress and anxiety, so that one can perform at their best during an exam. The reason that many people fail, is because they freeze up during an exam and their minds "go blank" which causes more tension and stress. This leads to the waste of energy worrying and stressing out about the exam instead of working on the test. This is called test anxiety and can be counteracted by calming the mind using hypnosis. Then you can focus on the exam and apply all your energy to answering the questions as quickly as possible.
Additionally, hypnosis increases motivation to study and learn, removes barriers to storage and retrieval, and helps you to be more productive by focusing on the subject and allowing you to ignore distractions.
First, get ready to learn. a quiet environment is best. Baroque music has been shown to enhance memory, other types of music may interfere. If you like baroque music, try studying with it. Remembering the music later during the exam, may help you to retrieve the memories. you need to have all your books or materials within reach. You also need an uninterrupted period of time to study, and scheduled breaks (5 or 10 minutes after every 45 minutes of study). Get enough rest and good healthy meals and snacks. It's okay to have cookies for a reward AFTER studying, but during study, avoid sugar. It may seem that sugar increases energy, but after the sugar high, comes the crash and this can make you drowsy. A recent study recommends that a power nap AFTER studeying can help you retain more information.
For people over 40 years old, play with the information first, before sleep. Try to draw it, sing about it, figure out an example or application for this information. Process it any way you can. This helps the information which is now in your short-term memory to be moved to permanent storage, long-term memory.
Playing with the information is a mnemonic device. Repetition is another one. Review and repeat the information before the power nap. A power nap may be about 30 minutes long. If you are not a napper, or a nap is out of the question because of your ienvironment, take a leisurely walk around the library or wherever you are studying. Lastly, build high expections about how learning this material is EASY for you.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Telephone Hypnosis

Can hypnosis be done by telephone? I just had the chance to try it a few times this week. In fact, I just got off the phone with a client. So the answer is,
This is a fantasstic advancement in my world! So convenient for both me and my client. I think I will call it
Please let me know if someone else has coined this term before me!

Great Demos!

The meeting was great. We had several new hypno-enthusiasts show up for our special event, called "Hypnosis?" The volunteers were just great! All in all, a good time was had by all. Next meeting will be at Books-A-Million the Saturday after Easter, the last Saturday in Easter.

Monday, March 7, 2011

March 23 Hypnosis Demonstration

The Hypnosis presentation is tonight at 7pm in Palm Harbor, FL.

This special event, called
will include 3 presenters deftly demonstrating some hypnotic techniques.

Please come and observe, or volunteer to participate!

See the blog below for details.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

March Meeting

We have a special event scheduled for Wednesday, March 23, at Books-A-Million.

Demonstrations will take place on
Wednesday, March 23, at 7pm.
At Books-A-Million
US Hwy 19 (near Nebraska)
Palm Harbor, FL

Gloria Constantas will lead exercises to encourage your imagination.
Mark Beck, author of Personal Empowerment Through Meditation, will demo instant inductions.
Vic Jovan will demonstrate a technique to instill self-confidence.

The general public is welcome to observe and participate in the demonstrations.
Please email me,, and let me know if you would like to attend.

The next meeting of the TBNGH will be:
7 pm, Wednesday, March 23, 2011
at Books-A-Million, US 19, Palm Harbor, Florida

Wishing you N-couragement M-powerment, and N-lightenment ♣ ♣ ♣

February TBNGH Meeting

We postponed the special event that was scheduled for Saturday, February 12, at Books-A-Million.

But the meeting went on! A brand new member, Larry Martinez and his wife, showed up, as wellas soemone we haven't seen for awhile. Linda Chidlow also appeared, just in from Hawaii!

The general public is welcome to attend meetings, as well as all hypnotists and hypnotherapists, certified by NGH or any other recognized organization.

Please email me,, and let me know if you would like to attend.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Personal Empowerment Through Meditation

I am so very excited about this book! I even love the title: Personal Empowerment through Meditation. Not Self-improvement, but "personal EMPOWERMENT." Who doesn't want to be empowered?

A very good friend of mine wrote this book. It's about meditation, which is a powerful tool for personal empowerment. It's just like having a conversation with Mark. He anticipates the questions and explains everything in simple language.

It is a great handbook for anyone who wants to slow down and enjoy life more. Meditation releases the relaxation response, and makes it easier to handle difficult people and situations. It's about meditation, a powerful tool for personal empowerment. Mark Beck has been meditating for over 30 years. He explains the many benefits he has gained through the consistent use of daily meditation. He explains his technique, and simplifies it for the average person.

Mark writes about stillness. He says that stillness is water's true nature and that the Mind is like a glass of water with some sediment in it. Your mind is like this glass of water: it can be turbulent and muddy, or still and (mostly) clear. He uses many simple analogies like this that help illustrate his technique.

He says that meditation is a "powerful tool that can help us lead happier and more peaceful lives."

This book is a treasure. It is available at Smashwords dot com. You can even download a sample for free. But I want to let you know it is a bargain. You can download the whole book for less than 5 bucks. I know I spend more for lunch every day!

Try this link:

Monday, January 17, 2011

Problem or Predicament?

According to John C. Maxwell, a problem can be solved and a predicament cannot.

He wrote several books, including one called The Difference Maker. I am listening to the audio version. In it he advises that there is no reason to worry about a predicament, as it cannot be changed. He has a checklist in order to determine whether it is a problem or a predicament. He also advises that a problem will have several solutions and that a problem anticipated is not really a problem, but an opportunity.

There is a very helpful chapter about Fear, and another about how to handle Change as well as motivate others to implement it.

And he reveals the origin of many stories I have heard about how to determine which will prevail, Faith or Fear. I have heard this story illustrated with wolves. It is truly a legend, that is hard to trace. It may have multiple sources, in fact.

Here it is:
Two natures beat within my breast,
the one is foul, the other blessed.
The one I love, the other I hate.
The one I feed will dominate.

According to Maxwell, the difference maker is your attitude. And he believes that a positive attitude can be cultivated.

That reminds me of one of my favorite quotations:

If you can't change your fate, change your ATTITUDE.

Amy Tan