Friday, December 26, 2014

Stop Smoking and become a Fresh Air Breather in 2015

Big Changes are coming your way!

You make the decision to become healthier, more energetic, and prosperous, this year. Things just seem to fall into place. You find yourself in the right place at the right time for the most wonderful things to happen.. It's as if miracles are happening everywhere you go.

This is your reading for today. If you are seeing this now, then this message is meant for YOU!

Stay tuned for your chance to stop smoking this year, in a small group setting...

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

My Most Favorite Holiday

My favorite holiday is World Hypnotism Day! That's January 4, every year. There are so many wonderful things going on, I hope I can get it all in.

2015 is almost here!

I wonder what amazing things will manifest before next World Hypnotism Day??!