Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Waiting for the Scale to catch up

I just read Why Diets Don't Work for Women over 40 by Susan Lark, MD.

It's funny how this showed up in my email today, after I just had a couple of conversations with people over the last few days about this. First of all, this does not mean that women over 40 cannot lose fat. What it means is that diets that work great if you want to gain weight. Everyone I know, who has been on a diet which restricts calories or carbohydrates, has ultimately gained at least five pounds more than their original weight (about 2 months after they lost the weight). So that's where hypnosis comes in. It really helps someone to stay motivated while they are on a program of healthy eating and increased activity. A program of healthy eating is not a "diet!" It is merely knowing which foods are healthy and which are not! Most of us have a pretty good idea about this, but ask your chiropractor or weight loss coach if you really need more information.

Hypnosis helps to keep you motivated during the plateaus, which occur naturally every time you lose 10% of your body weight. This is the time that many succumb to temptation, or even decide to chuck the whole thing as the scale is not reflecting all their effort. That's why it can be self-defeating to weigh yourself every day. Sometimes it takes the scale a little while to catch up with you. It's a scale, a machine, it's not perfect! So hang in there. Reinforce your persistence and motivation through hypnosis.

I work with clients while they lose fat, and beyond, to make sure they maintain their ideal weight. Most tell me it's easy to lose fat, but making permanent changes in their lives is not so easy.

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