Monday, February 4, 2013

Hypnotic Master Mind Group

No two minds ever came together without creating a third invisible intangible mind, which may be likened to a third mind.
-- Napolean Hill

The Mastermind principle as defined by Napolean Hill is a way to accomplish your intentions. It helps to keep motivation high by using the power of a group to increase personal responsibility and hold the individual accountable for thier stated intentions. At every meeting, each member can get suggestions for actionable steps to take. The individual then commits to taking some of these steps before the next meeting. Each member helps the other members. Since the group mind is much greater than the sum of its parts it can provide numerous solutions to any problem. Then the member can choose the steps that they will make.
We will conduct a group hypnosis session at every meeting. NGH members can get 1 CEU for attending the Hypnotic Mastermind meeting.

Hypnotic Mastermind
MARCH 22, 2013, at 7PM
in Trinity FL.
Please call to register. This group is limited to 8 members. $10 per session.

Here's the book:

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