Monday, January 17, 2011

Problem or Predicament?

According to John C. Maxwell, a problem can be solved and a predicament cannot.

He wrote several books, including one called The Difference Maker. I am listening to the audio version. In it he advises that there is no reason to worry about a predicament, as it cannot be changed. He has a checklist in order to determine whether it is a problem or a predicament. He also advises that a problem will have several solutions and that a problem anticipated is not really a problem, but an opportunity.

There is a very helpful chapter about Fear, and another about how to handle Change as well as motivate others to implement it.

And he reveals the origin of many stories I have heard about how to determine which will prevail, Faith or Fear. I have heard this story illustrated with wolves. It is truly a legend, that is hard to trace. It may have multiple sources, in fact.

Here it is:
Two natures beat within my breast,
the one is foul, the other blessed.
The one I love, the other I hate.
The one I feed will dominate.

According to Maxwell, the difference maker is your attitude. And he believes that a positive attitude can be cultivated.

That reminds me of one of my favorite quotations:

If you can't change your fate, change your ATTITUDE.

Amy Tan

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